Nationwide toll-free telephone hotline 1-888-663-8585 to provide emotional support for seriously ill patients and their family caregivers
A group of trained and supervised Mandarin- or Cantonese-speaking volunteers provide compassionate listening ears to patients with serious illness and their caregivers. This free hotline service is available during the office hours (Monday - Friday, 9 am - 5 pm).
Nationwide telephone conference in Mandarin for health-related education
A nationwide toll-free teleconference (presented in Mandarin) for Chinese patients with serious illnesses and their family caregivers is scheduled on the third Thursday of every month, 6-7 pm (Pacific Time). Registered callers can learn about elderly care, serious illnesses and related issues at the comfort of their homes. Each teleconference includes a 35-minute presentation by an expert of the subject and a 20-minute Q&A session for callers to interact with the speaker.
Heart of Hope Asian American Hospice Care Presents
End-of-Life Care Seminar for Chinese Americans (presented in Mandarin, pre-registration required)
This seminar provides an opportunity for Chinese Americans to learn about the end-of-life care issue and community resources. It will present different aspects and needs at the end-of-life stage, and the options of end-of-life care in the healthcare system. It will clarify myths and misunderstandings regarding hospice care and enable Chinese American patients and family members to receive quality care in time of need. This seminar will be presented in Mandarin by Chinese American healthcare professionals who have experience in end-of-life care. Speakers will include a hospice nurse, a social worker, a chaplain, an attorney, and a family member who had used hospice. A physician who has passion in end-of-life care will lead a panel discussion in the afternoon.
Topics of presentation at this seminar include:
• End-of-Life Issues in Chinese Culture
• Overview of Hospice Care
• Physical, Psychosocial and Spiritual Needs for End-of-Life Patients
• Bereavement Support and Funeral Arrangement
• Financial Planning from a Legal Perspective
• Advance Health Care Directive (AHCD) and Physician Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST)
• Community Resources
Time: 8:30 am – 5 pm, Saturday, October, 17, 2015
Location: At the Conference Room of the Valley Specialty Center
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
751 South Bascom, Ave., San Jose, CA 95128
Co-Sponsors: Alzheimer’s Association, Chinese Christian Herald Crusades – Northwestern Branch
Venue sponsor: Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Platinum sponsors: En-Yong Foundation
Gold sponsors: El Camino Hospital, Dignity Memorial
Silver sponsors:
Copper sponsors: Coalition for Compassionate Care of California,
Friends of End-of-Life Care Sponsors: Hospice of the Valley
Please make this seminar known to Chinese Americans who are concerned about the end-of-life issues and encourage them to register. The seminar is limited to 150 participants and sandwich lunch can be pre-ordered at $10 each. Pre-registration can be made by calling (408)986-8584 or on-line.